Correctly identified and resultant training and education linked to the opportunities inherent within a community empowers them to become the future commercial leaders and job providers of their community.
Entrepreneurial screening is critical to identify potential entrepreneurs.

Over and above the adult training and education programs, Segametsi is involved in early childhood development, including creche feeding and support programmes.
Segametsi also matches school needs and wish lists with corporate sponsors through our SOS (Save our Schools) and Smart Online School initiatives.
Segametsi has developed platforms where job seekers can access easy-to-use templates and upload their credentials, as well as have the opportunity of increasing their credential rating via a verification process and thereby build their employment history.
Potential employers have access to a pool of vetted job seekers and can make a much more informed match for the position available.
The ability for Corporates to load current and upcoming opportunities for job seekers where sub-contractors can view these opportunities and subsequently apply